Stories from the Noon Crew: Becky


Stories from the Noon Crew:
Becky (Tuesday Flow)

Since I began practicing yoga in 1999, I’ve been graced with many incredible teachers.
Today, two of my greatest teachers live with me, call me “Momma”, andare nearly 4 feet tall. Despite their small stature, they teach me(everyday, repeatedly) to be present on my yoga mat and off.
My eldest son, who is now 6, used to say, “Momma, are you here?!” whenhe wanted my attention. And if things get quiet in my house, I am sureto find them covered in paint or bubbles, digging a hole to china, or afort to the moon. They are playful and curious and as excited about theordinary things as well as the extraordinary.
It’s the practice of paying attention and staying present that I try tostrengthen on my mat. When I pay attention to my breath, my practicebecomes very meditative. When I pay attention to now, my practicebecomes more compassionate. My kids, like my practice, teach me and pushme to be a better version of myself.

A daily yoga practice of learning and evolving shows meteachers can be found anywhere. The cashier at the Coop is my teacher,my friends are great teachers, my students are fantastic teachers, myfamily, my neighbors, the president, the list goes on. I know! Right?!The President!

The work that each of these teachers presents is how I react in anygiven moment. Can I be present with my feelings of comfort/discomfort?Can I find compassion and connection to my fellow human? When I canobserve my feelings, let go of old habit, and find that unconditionallove, that’s when I am my best teacher. And in the next moment, I findthe grace of being a student again- learning, suffering, connecting.
I am so grateful for the Yoga Community in the Upper Valley, for theopportunity to teach here, and for all of the incredible teachers(traditional and non traditional) who have guided and supported me alongthe way.
During my classes, my goal is to create a safe, compassionate space forstudents to play and explore with postures, breath and meditation andultimately find the teacher within.



Stories from the Noon Crew: Christina


Stories from the Noon Crew: Pam (yin yoga, Thursdays)