Tender Shoots
My teacher says that in movement practices like yoga, healing happens when we release the posture, and come out of a state of contraction. Physiologically, fresh blood circulates to our tissues then, and the kinesthetic shift returns us to center, renewed and enlivened.
This is one reason why it's best to come out of a pose slowly, rather than suddenly.
He then asks us to consider that Covid, this past year, is like one long, grueling contraction (maybe more like a difficult labor than a yoga pose) and our re-emergence is slow and painful. The connective tissue of society is frayed and battered with the losses we have felt this past year, but also with the terrible violence, bigotry and hate that has played out. We have tools now to move us out of the pandemic; vaccines are getting us closer to herd immunity. But have we become desensitized over this period of dormancy and fear? Can we re-sensitize ourselves as we slowly emerge, and overcome forces of intolerance, discrimination and hate?
Here is an image I see in my head: a large, widespread group of people are slowly coming toward one another in a giant, lovely field that is dotted with wild flowers. Thousands of humans, of every shape, color and size. Emerging from darkness, we are blinking in the bright sunlight as we move toward the center, tentative in our longing to reach out and hug one another, but slowly closing the gaps despite our fear. We are tender shoots, just like the green growth trying valiantly to reach out into the unpredictable environment of April in New England.
Is it possible we can come out of this pandemic with our spirits scoured and raw but also more tender toward each other?
When fear gets hold of me, it's hard to see it. When I am feeling hopeful and optimistic, I can imagine it.
Tonight George Floyd's killer was convicted of murder. Justice was served and though it is only a long overdue first step for communities of color, who have been so abused and under served by the justice system, this first step feels like the slow unfurling of a tight fist. This first step feels like relief.
Tonight, I am feeling hopeful.
Plans continue to shape and form for UVY's return to center. As you'll see below, in-studio classes begin (slowly, consciously) on May 16, for fully vaccinated students and instructors.
On May 9 registration will open for both Thetford and WRJ spaces, so that you can sign up for these classes one week out at a time. Guidelines will be in place. Attendance will be strictly limited. We will move carefully to restore our community, in person, while continuing to livestream many of these classes. Our return to the studio will be staggered. Some of us are more ready than others—teachers and students—and that is just fine. We will move as we are all ready, respecting one another's needs, vulnerabilities and circumstances. UVY will continue to bring yoga to you in all the ways we can.
Please read through our GUIDELINES for a return to in-person yoga classes.
Please understand that these guidelines will likely change and evolve. You can always access the current guidelines on the calendar page.
a huge THANK YOU to all who have signed up for our daylong YOGATHON on May 2. I'm really moved by your generosity, your kind notes and enthusiastic support.
From 8 am through 9 pm you can dip into as many of these short practices as you'd like: 9 instructors,10 classes....(see full lineup below). If you purchase the $30 pass, that's $3 a class! $3 a class for an at-home all-day spring tonic and retreat with time between short practices for rest, food, walking, tea, reading and sleep. What could be yummier?
The schedule is phenomenal—we have such good teachers, generous and talented and invested in helping the studio get to its feet once again in the physical realm. I hope you will join us!
What does that mean? Small in-person classes have begun in Thetford. They are full through April (if you are fully vaccinated and would like to be added to a waitlist in case of cancellations, be in touch) but you can still join us virtually, Mondays 5:30 pm (Hatha 1-2) and Thursdays 5 pm (Flow and Deep Stretch). We are all masked for now, but I've found a clip mic that ensures nice, crisp audio and use the ipad for recording, so that there's room for us to be in the space without too much equipment, cords, etc. to get in the way.
Sign up for the livestream classes same as we do for regular classes, and join us! More will be coming, too, as we move into our WRJ space in mid-May...stay tuned!