Upcoming Events

Intro to Yoga; a Mini-Series
Sundays, 3:30–5 pm
March 30, April 6, April 13


Join Aleah for an Introduction to Yoga in a condensed, 3-week format. No experience is needed, just your own yoga mat and a willingness to play! This series will also be interesting and enriching for seasoned practitioners with the invitation to always look again, and begin again and again.

Explore the basics of yoga practice through breath, internal alignment, posture, movement, and focus. Bring your sense of curiosity!

$70. Register to save a spot.

Cultivating Compassion
Friday, April 4, 5:30–6:45 pm


With Spring on the horizon we envision our gardens to be: planting seeds, turning the warming soil, cultivating new life, tending. The longing to nurture tender new shoots in the fragile warmth of Spring is a powerful yearning.

How do we bring the loving cultivation of new growth back to ourselves? How do we tend to our own growth with love and compassion? Easy to say, and yet cultivating compassion toward ourselves and others can be hard to practice.

Join UVY’s beloved, long time teacher Sharon Comeau for an inclusive, all levels practice that gently explores the practice of cultivating compassion through movement, breath, flowing and being still with whatever arises.

All levels are welcome.

Sign up to save a spot

Restorative Yoga
Saturday, April 5, 3:30–5 pm


Join Miriah for her monthly session of restorative yoga. This practice is profoundly nurturing, and makes generous use of props to support the body in postures that promote ease, deep relaxation and release. You need no yoga experience, and we have all the props at the studio. All you need to bring is a mat.p

Sign up to save a spot; space is limited.

Yoga Nidra
Sundays in Thetford,
April 6, May 4, June 1, 4–5 pm


In this class, offered once a month in our beautiful, serene Thetford studio, you’ll begin with gentle movement and breathwork before being guided on a Yoga Nidra meditative journey into deep calm, stillness, and clarity. Lying comfortably supported, you’ll be led through body scans, visualizations, and breath techniques that invite deep relaxation.  This practice gradually guides you toward the threshold between wakefulness and sleep, helping to release tension, quiet the mind, and deepen self-awareness. Suitable for all levels, this practice requires no prior experience.

Sign up to save a spot.

Slow Flow
Mondays, 6–7 pm, begins April 7


Join Adyn for slow flow in our beautiful Thetford studio, on Monday evenings. Slow Flow moves slowly enough to deepen the experience of each posture, and while that can be challenging and deeply satisfying, the emphasis is not on “hard poses” but on the quality of attention paid, moment to moment, to what you are feeling. The class ends with a good helping of restorative poses—an evening class guaranteed to leave you settled and mellow and ready to tuck in for the night. Open to all levels.

The Thetford studio is about 10 minutes from Norwich, 15 from Hanover.

Register to save a spot.

NEW! SomaFlow
Mud Season Series in THETFORD
Saturdays, 10–11 am, April 12–May 10


Join us in our beautiful Thetford studio for a special mud season series, to help bridge the gap between Winter and post-mud Spring!

SomaFlow begins with SATYA movements—simple somatic movements as described here—and progresses to a flow practice that is moderate, accessible to most, and balanced.

This Spring, SomaFlow will be taught as a limited, 5-week series in Thetford. You are welcome to either sign up for all 5 with an existing pass, or singly, as available. This class is open to all level of experience.

The Thetford studio is about 10 minutes from Norwich, 15 from Hanover.

Register to save a spot.

Practicing yoga at Upper Valley Yoga feels like coming home to a warm and welcoming community."    

— Karen