A Huge THANK YOU and Signups for IN STUDIO Classes!


A Huge THANK YOU to the teachers and the students who made our YOGATHON a success and a really sweet day of yoga offerings. We raised enough to pay rent for May, June, July, AND an extra $1,000 that I have used to re-boot the Karma Fund. I feel really good about that and I hope you do too.

Second: The Studio awaits us.
Greg and I have been finishing some last details, like mounting coat hooks in the hallway, and hanging signs in the hallway and on our new door.

Beginning Sunday vaccinated folks will be able to sign up for classes for the coming week.

All the space needs now is you!


As we prepare to open our doors once again, there are a few housekeeping details I'd like to go over. I'm sure things will continue to evolve but just so that we are all on the same page:

Please read through our GUIDELINES for a return to in-person yoga classes.

Please understand that these guidelines will likely change and evolve. You can always access the current guidelines on the calendar page.

Re Livestream classes: I'm still getting the hang of hybrid classes up in Thetford, but have recently established a policy that will make things so much clearer and simpler for instructors. If nobody is signed up for a livestream class by one hour before the start of a class that is also being taught in person, we will cancel the livestream. Broadcasting requires a different set up in the space and with the recording apparatus and mic, it's distracting to set it all up only to dismantle it and move it and everyone if nobody shows up for the livestream. If you are planning on coming to a hybrid livestream class, sign up more than an hour ahead.

If you find yourself dismayed that certain classes are not continuing in virtual format, know that you can always sign up for YOGA NOW for $15 a month and have unlimited access to about 300 classes. There's a free 3-day trial period so you can determine if it's a good fit for you.

As the weather warms up (and dries out!) I hope to offer more pop up outdoor classes. It's a little tricky to predict so keep your eye on the calendar....if the weather is favorable, classes may periodically move outside and in that case, open to more than the 8 that we are limited to in WRJ. Same with Thetford. At this time, barring cancellations, the Monday evening and Thursday evening classes are full for May, but if we get a nice night to brave the black flies and take it outside, we can open up for more registrations. (When outside, livestream will definitely be cancelled)

And finally, if you want to sign up for an IN STUDIO class but do not want to use a credit card, just contact me to reserve the spot and you can bring your check or cash to class.

I am so looking forward to seeing you in real time, in our sweet studio home!


Yoga Inside, Outside, On the Screen and Inside Out


Tender Shoots