Spring Forward
This Sunday marks that first signpost of Spring: the changing of our clocks one hour forward for daylight savings.
We all know Spring as the season of new beginnings. With its arrival, we shift from the hibernation of the winter months to the energy of rebirth and new life. Spring is an invitation to open back up, unfurl our limbs, and welcome the warmth into our bodies and hearts. And, we are definitely not there YET. I’m watching enormous slides of snow and ice come crashing down off my roof as I type this, so I admit to a little cynicism around “Spring Forward”—a directive to help us remember which way things are switching.
But, I also take heart, because it means that Spring is coming. I know, it also means we are actually losing a precious hour. On a weekend, no less. There are a couple of ways to look at this. I would certainly not begrudge anyone opening a bleary eye to glimpse the new time come Sunday morning, before sliding back into blissful, hibernating slumber.
But consider this: Spring Forward is also a command (“spring” being the verb here). Kind of a bossy one at that. But one you might take as a personal challenge to anticipate the coming season with…well…spring in your step! It takes a big, springy, leap of faith to cast off the sluggish torpor of winter in New England, and dip a pale toe into the warmer promise of Spring and Summer.
I hope lots of people show up for the Sunday 9 am class, to celebrate not our loss of one hour, but our collective sigh of relief at anticipated melt, as we look ahead to the actual date of our Spring Equinox. I anticipate we will practice “springing forward” in many creative ways Sunday morning! If you need a little incentive: I plan to make some lovely muffins or other enticing nibbles to share with you and reward us all for starting the day with yoga, and to send you on your way with a spring in your step.