

This is a snapshot from my back porch, on this beautiful Thursdaymorning, as I drink tea and enjoy a relaxed start to the day. I take andshare this photo not because it is objectively a stellar photo or even abeautiful place (though it is!), but because I like to remind myselfthat with all the craziness and misery in the world and in the news, asnapshot is a reminder of what is right here, in this particular moment,with me, around me and in me. It's so easy to get pulled into the worldbeyond. And of course we want to be informed, but all of that stuff hasa way of sneaking its grubby fingers into every corner of our lives andmaking us blind to what is beautiful in our immediate environment,inside and out.
This image says to me: Home. Love. Safe. Joy.

If you have a moment today, settle your gaze onto some corner of yourpersonal universe that brings you joy (the alternative to this pic was aphoto of a cup of tea, steam rising off the top). Take a snapshot.Literal or figurative, doesn't matter. Whether a mental or actualsnapshot, circle back to it sometime later today, 4 or 5 pm. Stopwhatever it is you are doing and just let your gaze linger on the image,and let yourself enjoy the feelings it invokes.

That's it, all! Have a beautiful day.



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