All Yoga Classes are Free Friday, 1/20/17
Why are we offering free classes on Friday January 20? Selfishly, it's because I have some very dark feelings about the impending transition in D.C. and confronted with my own feeling of helplessness and fear about where this country is headed, it feels like a "something" to do on the day of inauguration, even if it's a very small and local "something." I invite you to turn your T.V. off, bring a friend, come to class at 8:30, 10, noon or 5:30. All are welcome. Let's fill our little yoga home in White River Junction with love, with light, with compassion, with focus, with purpose. Let's create with our practice bright purposeful light and beam it into the ugly dark corners. You don't have to share my political convictions; everyone is welcome. This is about cultivating love, connection with each other and ourselves, to strengthen our sense of purpose as we face an uncertain future.I'm headed to Montpelier to march on Saturday. To everyone headed to march in DC, Boston, NY or anywhere else, love and gratitude to you