Tines up! Yoga in the Garden
The Yoga of Paying Attention.In everyday life. This is at least one of yoga's off the mat lessons,right? And yoga, like anything learned, is a process of learning,re-learning, unlearning, re-learning, over and over, round and round. OnTuesday I was working on my blueberries with a hoe rake when I did thething that you should never do. I held the tool loosely, tines down,while talking to someone. Suddenly, somehow I shifted one foot to thetines on the ground, and the handle of that thing flew toward the sideof my skull and cracked me so hard I saw stars. The ringing didn't stopfor two days. The bruise behind my ear is still tender. For years (25+of them) my husband Greg has been taking my gardening tools where Istack them in the garage (or shed, or deck) and quietly turning themtines up from where I've leaned them, tines down. He's explained this"thing" about stepping on the head of the tool and cracking yourself inthe skull, and I've sort of kind of listened. But not really. What'samazing on reflection is that I didn't do this sooner. I won't lie. ItHURT. I have a weirdly sensitive temple/ear on my right side fromsurgery a few years back, I don't even like shampooing that side of myhead, so this was brutal. But, it definitely woke me up. It for suremade me pay attention. I'd like to say it's never going to happen again,but attention being what it is, that would be foolish. I will say thatthe experience was humbling and added dimension to the quality ofyoga-inspired "paying attention" that I bring with me to workingoutside. And it reminds me that there are so very many ways to wake upto what is right in front of me (most are not quite that physicallypainful). That gift is always one for which I am grateful.
There are lots of wonderful ways to wake up to yourself, through yoga,in the coming days and weeks! From Yvette Om and her Kirtan this Friday,to our new "Happy Hour" yoga beginning on June 3 (First Friday!), tothe slight schedule adjustments coming our way in June and July. Join uson the mat, and then enjoy the fruits of your labor on the matthroughout your day and your week; your time in the garden andelsewhere during this glorious season will be that much sweeter.
(And, please, always store your tools tines up).