The Sunrise Series taught by Leslie, runs 6:30-7:30 am, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, March 30–April 10. The series' purpose is two-fold: We hope to create a shared, predictable on-line space that allows our community to begin the day together while simultaneously funding the Karma Fund so that people who need free yoga to help them manage this difficult time can do so with no hassle or waiting. Students will just use their existing passes or memberships, no special pass needed.
Class will begin with about 10 minutes of guided meditation and centering, followed by 15 minutes of floor-based stretching. Then we’ll fire things up a bit with core work and standing postures for 20 minutes. We’ll transition to the floor or to a seated position to nourish the nervous system with 10 minutes of Pranayama (breath work) and finally 5 minutes’ sweet rest in Savasana.
Your attendance in this series will fund The Karma Fund with class credits in a one-for-one exchange. It is critical that we all unite to make yoga accessible to those experiencing financial uncertainty and hardship and participation in the Sunrise Series will allow that to happen. With generous support from a beloved UVY student who is underwriting this effort (and who wishes to remain anonymous), your simply showing up for class will help someone do just that.
It’s a win win! Won’t you join us?
Please help get the word out. If people need free yoga now, before Monday, we will make it happen.
Sign up to save a spot and show your support!
Hello dear students: We are still going strong, adding in classes, adding back classes, events, series, etc. As we all learn out way, figure out how to bring you a quality yoga class in your home, with options for interactivity, you are learning along with us. We are all becoming ZOOM-literate! I thought I’d share with you some of the feedback I’ve received from your fellow students:
From M:
"Even though we are in isolation and solitude, we can still feel a sense of community and a sense of connection with each other. Leslie’s virtual yoga class did just that! When my eyes were closed, I felt like I was in the room with Leslie and the rest of the students. At the end of class, I felt calm, refreshed and connected to my community. Thank you for creating this space to practice, breathe, move, contemplate and feel connected to others. I know these classes are what is going to give me the strength to get through these uncertain times. "
From P: “Boy was I wrong! Virtual class was Awesome! I Love you and thanks for doing this!”
From J:
"I was so delighted when Leslie decided to offer online classes! The UV Yoga community is vital to my well-being and self-care. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to continue to participate from home during this strange time. My first virtual class was a little different for sure! It was disconcerting not to be in the beautiful open space in WRJ, to be distracted by my own belongings and unfamiliar views from my mat, and not to hear and see other students practicing beside me, in front of me, behind me. My mat even felt different on a different floor than it does in the studio. I had a hard time turning inward and focusing. But by the second virtual class, I was almost completely in my usual yoga flow and usual pranayama! It was so fun to see everyone before and after class, and my anxiety just melted away. It’s a good reminder that community and relationships transcend space and time. We are in each other’s hearts and minds and, therefore, we can breathe together and feel connected, even from our own homes. The UV Yoga instructors are experts at creating community, demonstrating the practice and verbal cuing, so they are transitioning to this new format beautifully! And now, friends and family from afar can practice with us! Come join us and see for yourself."
Family Yoga, beginning this Thursday, and running Tuesdays and Thursdays 2-2:45 pm. $20 pass gets the whole family in on the action. Geared to kids age 9-90. Taught by Sharon.
Noon Flow. Christina’s back and will be teaching an “energizing flow” Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at noon. Level 2, good way to sweat the stress right out of your system and hit your own re-set.
Sunrise Series. March 30-April 10, taught by Leslie. Monday, Wed and Fri 6:30-7:30 am. See above for more info.
Join Leslie this Friday evening for a free, mellowish flow followed by some restorative poses and supported pranayama to help us unwind from our bodies the undoubtedly weird work week. You still need to sign up to see the link, but there is no paywall, the class is free, and all are invited. 7–8 pm.
$10 community kindness pass. Can't afford it still? Get in touch, the Karma Fund is available for those who need free classes. We are here to help.