Stories from the Noon Crew: Katie Cawley
Ifocus heavily on the relationship between body movement and breathmovement and put emphasis on alignment while consistently circling backto mindfulness and “checking in” throughout class.
Myclasses incorporate a strong, moderately-paced flow of standingsequences, ultimately moving toward a few slower, more grounded anddeeper stretches, followed by a nice long Savasana.
I’vesince taken my yoga practice with me as I traveled around the world,completing my 200hr YTT in India in April 2016 before returning to thestates later that year.
Iwill never forget the feeling I had as I stepped off of my mat and backinto the cool evening air. It was truly like something had beenawakened inside of me. I wasn’t sure how to describe it, what it meant,or where it came from, but I knew that I wanted to feel that way moreoften. And while I have developed an important relationship with myasana practice, it was the mental peace and clarity that kept me comingback to my mat.
Seeking purpose and desperate to meet new people I said yes.
One day, a friend of a friend asked if I would like to attend a yoga class with her at a community yoga studio in town.
Asmany do, I found post-grad life challenging and it was made none theeasier by my immersion into an entirely new city and culture than what Iwas used to in the North East.
The year after I graduated from college, I lived in Asheville, North Carolina.
I attended yoga classes sporadically for many years after, never really feeling like the practice resonated with me.
As14-year olds, surrounded by our friends’ mothers, we giggled our waythrough each class laughing at the names of the different poses and,ultimately, falling asleep in Savasana.
Tales from the noon crew: Katie
I took my first yoga class (almost exactly) 13 years ago in a mathclassroom at Thetford Academy. My best friend’s mother, tired of ourafter-school antics, signed us up for an 8-week series that met everyWednesday afternoon.
Mygoal in my teaching is to help people feel their way into their body,create healthy movement patterns, and remember to breathe while creatingspace for openness and release in both the body and the mind.