Coming Home


“Ifyou feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, towho you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discoveryourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond,beautiful and strong.”
Masaru Emoto

This morning a friend/student and I were talking after class, andshe said she was just amazed at how coming back to yoga after not doing aphysical yoga practice for many years feels like coming home. It's afamiliar and beloved sentiment. No matter how often I step onto my mat,practice, breathe and then meditate, I'm awed and humbled anew by thatexperience of coming back into communion with the deeper recesses ofself, of coming home. There are any number of reasons to practice yoga,but that one compels me more these days than some of the others.Especially when I fall into states of spiritual wanderlust, theexperience of practice is a welcome dose of spiritual staycation thathelps me flourish again even if I'm not completely flourishing in otherways.

Whatever your reasons for coming home to practice, to class, towellness, to communion with self and love in all its flavors....welcomehome.

The seasonal transition continues as we head toward Fall. You'll see inthe lineup that Christina has begun a new level 2 vinyasa flow class onSaturday afternoons, and that Amanda is returning to a regular SaturdayKundalini class.



Gone to Seed


Sweet 16!